View Profile Are-You-Evil2
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. -Abraham Lincoln

Paulyn @Are-You-Evil2

Age 27, Female

Student/Young Artist

Anywhere in Earth

Joined on 9/6/09

Exp Points:
160 / 180
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> 100,000
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Are-You-Evil2's News

Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - February 12th, 2010

look at this so awesome! it's a naruto fan i made inside my tree-house!

NOTE: i only showed you one side ofmy fan.


Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - February 11th, 2010

like i said at my "about me" post. i'm addicted to naruto, so i made my very own character.

her name is saruke. got from the names: sa from sakura. ru from naruto. and ke from sasuke.

i was thinking about something. who does she look best with? choices from all the guy chars from naruto.

now this is hher characteristics:

long, dark and straight hair. dark blue eyes. fit. smart and not too quiet but not too loud.

i'm counting on all of you. who does she look best with?

note: i will show what she looks like on my next next art.

Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - February 11th, 2010

Hiya! Just to let you all know, I started making another art! It's not the beach, but it's somewhere warm... Guess what it is.

Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - February 9th, 2010

Just to make it clear to all of you. Maybe you don't really know who I really am.

My name is Are-You-Evil2. I am 13 years old, apparently. Where do I live you ask? I live in a house with parents and siblings and grandparents and uncle and auntie.


Shows: Love Hina, Shagukan no Shana, Wall Flowers, Naruto, Black Cat, xxxHolic, Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Samurai X, Princess Resurrection, Hayate The Combat Butler, Digimon, Pokemon, Lucky Star and many many more I can't remember.

Games: GTA, Naruto Ultimate Ninja, Naruto Ninja Storm, Guitar Hero, Harvest Moon and still many more I cannot remember.

Ambition[s]: I wanna be cosplayer & many many more.

Dislikes: Fat ppl, idiots, stupidity & the color pink.

My Favorite Chars: Itachi, Tenten, Kiba, Neji, Ino, Lee, Lilian, Shana, Kyo Hye, Tsunako, Ichigo, Rukia, Renji, Naru, Edward, Al, Winry, Train, Eve and more...


Let's see...

Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - February 8th, 2010

Give me ideas on what to post... again. Sorry! i can't think of anything!

And give ideas on what to draw. TNXZ!

Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - February 6th, 2010

{insert very cool message here}

Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - February 2nd, 2010

Give an idea on what to draw. Anything will be Ok. But, I will pick the one tha is very awesome.

Note: I do not draw perverted stuff... only half-perverted. hehehe...

Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - January 29th, 2010

Now, this is the quote that a TRUE friend would say:

I don't care who i will fight--
If my arms are torn off, i will kick him to death--
If my legs are cut off, i will bite him to death--
If my teeth get punch out, i will stare at him--
If my eyes are gouged out i will curse him beyond the grave...
But until then---- I will NOT let you take Sasuke!

Now that, that is TRUE friend...

*sigh* Sasuke is so lucky having a friend like Naruto. I wish that Naruto was my best friend.

******************sasuke: hey! i won't let you take naruto!
me: ha! says you!! what is he? your little puppet toy that you could play with!? first, you say that the two of you are friends, then you tell him that you need to kill him for power! man, uchihas sure are crazy..
sasuke: well, um...
me: enough of this. ****pokes his eyes out****
sasuke: aaaaaagggghhhhhh!!!!!!****************

Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - January 25th, 2010

I've always dreamed of making a flash video, but I'm not quite sure how to use flash. I need some tips, advices and help from various flash creators, or just some other people, who can give me some help. Thanks!

Posted by Are-You-Evil2 - January 22nd, 2010

Sometimes i wish that i never had a big brother. And sometimes i feel like i want to reach unto him and just snatch his eyeballs, make him eat glue so that he couldn't speak anymore. You know, with all that insults, like this: "Hey, you!!!" "Me?" "Yes, you, now get your filthy stinking butt over here, you low life bastard!". yeah, something like that. Anther reason why I want to get a cursed axe and cut his head off is, wait, ummm.... Ah yes! When I watch my favorite TV shows like, Naruto or School Rumble, he just change the channel so that i couldn't watch. And with all those times when he always saya that his the best. "Oh, i'm your big brother and i'm better than you, haha! You never get any achievements and also, i got scouted faster than you, that's because you're a sore lozer! hahahahahahahahaha! I'm even better than drawing than you in paper and in Photoshop!!!!" Oh man, don't let me get started when we play the PS2.