Everything's going smoothly... when I said smoothly, I meant really bad. I got a wound (a really big one) and didn't even notice until someone told me. I keep forgetting what I was watching when the commercial went on. My mom keeps making me do all sorts of stuff that I don't really like to do.
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Man, Japanese people sure are awesome. I wish I could draw like that. In the computer and it only took that person........... 24 minutes and 42 seconds. ^n^
Anyway, visit me!!!!! [super awesome link]. Visit it. It's my deviant art account.
I need inspiration for new art. I wanna make a Pixel Art.
Please, if you visited my page, at least leave a comment or something! Am I invisible now? *sob* *sob*
Thanks for having the time to read my post. TENCHU!!
You'r not invisible to me :o. I keep visiting this blog and others out of boredom. I wish that wound gets better. About the rest, the only advice I can think about is... try talking to you'r mom or/and try to relax!
Thank you so much terenas! Ya, I wish my wound gets better too. Ya, thanks for the advice and comment!