HI guys! I still don't think my Deidara fan art is ready. I think there's still something missing!!! Well, I am working on new art. Yeah, OK. Everything's fine. Especially with all those "Kevin Bacon" things. Man, who the hell is Kevin Bacon. Anyway, I wanna know how you people are doing? Vacation, school or something. Well I an so glad that my school is over (finally!).
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Coolest thing I have ever seen. A 13-year old drummer girl, playing the ending song of K-on, "Don't say lazy".
....Nothin' special. Just a picture of my desktop.
You know you can make desktop icons smaller? Those ones look uncomfortable :P
yeah, i know. but, i think i'm ok with the size of my icons right now. thanks for writng a comment for my post i really appriciate it.